How to Manage International Employee Benefits

April 21st, 2023

Learn all you need to know about managing employee benefits for your global staff with this article

As companies expand their operations globally, managing employee benefits abroad has become an important – but complex – aspect of human resources management. Employee benefits are a crucial component of a company’s compensation package, and they play a significant role in attracting, retaining, and motivating employees. 

But it’s not always that easy. Managing employee benefits abroad can be incredibly challenging due to varying regulations, cultural differences, confusing bureaucracy, and other economic factors in the different countries in which your business may operate.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the best practices for companies to effectively manage employee benefits abroad, including an explanation of what employee benefits are and why they differ depending on the country.

What Are Employee Benefits?

Employee benefits are additional perks or advantages that employees receive in addition to their regular salary or wages. Employers offer these benefits as a way to reward and support workers beyond their basic pay.

Benefits can come in various forms, such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, bonuses, stock options, paid courses, and more. They are designed to enhance employees’ overall well-being and satisfaction, improve their work-life balance, and promote loyalty and engagement with the company.

In some countries, offering benefits is not only a way to attract talent but also necessary according to local labour laws. Therefore, when maintaining operations abroad, it is important to be aware of what regulations require and what is culturally expected. 

What Are the Most Common Employee Benefits?

Benefits can vary depending on the country, industry, and company size. However, some perks are more commonly offered across industries.

Employers should carefully consider the needs and preferences of their workforce when designing and offering benefits. 

Some of the key benefits below are mandatory, depending on the country the employee is based. It is important to understand which benefits should be provided under employment legislation and which ones are provided as a global offering.

Health insurance

Health insurance benefits can include medical, dental, and vision coverage, which may be partially or fully paid by the employer or offered as a voluntary benefit. 

Some companies can also offer medical coverage to children and spouses of employees.

Retirement plans

These can include pension plans, 401 (k) plans, or other savings schemes that help employees prepare for retirement. This benefit encourages employees to stay at the company, building a solid and loyal career within the business.

It is important to understand the legislation in place for the country you are offering the plan. Not all retirement plans will work across the business. You could potentially leave yourself open to litigation if you offer an alternative retirement plan that does not cover the mandatory requirements of a particular country.

Paid time off

Paid time off can include vacation days, sick leave, and holidays, which allow employees to rest, relax or recover from illnesses.

According to labour laws, various countries have paid time off as a mandatory benefit. 

Life insurance

Life insurance is essential in risky industries, providing financial protection to the beneficiaries of an employee in the event of their death. 

The benefit may be offered as a basic or voluntary benefit, with employees paying for the coverage. 

Disability insurance

This type of insurance is also essential in risky industries where employees might be involved in accidents or prone to injuries. 

The benefit provides income replacement to employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury and may be offered as a short-term or long-term disability benefit. 

Employee assistance programs (EAPs)

EAPs provide employees with confidential counselling and support services for various personal and work-related issues, such as mental health, stress management, financial counselling, and legal advice. 

Wellness programs

Programs to encourage the health and well-being of employees may include gym memberships, wellness challenges, wellness coaching, and preventive health screenings to promote employees’ physical and mental well-being. 

Flexible spending accounts (FSAs)

FSAs or health savings accounts (HSAs) allow employees to set aside pre-tax funds to pay for eligible medical expenses or save for future medical costs. 

Commuter benefits

Commuter benefits can include pre-tax deductions for commuting expenses, such as transit passes or parking fees, to help employees save on commuting costs. 

Employee discounts

Retail companies may offer discounts on company products to employees, while other businesses may partner with vendors to provide the benefit. 

Education assistance

Companies can offer tuition reimbursement programs or scholarships to support employees in pursuing further education or professional development.

This benefit encourages employees to apply their knowledge and training in the company, creating a culture of continuous learning. 

Employee recognition programs

Companies may offer bonuses, incentives, or other forms of recognition to encourage great performance, acknowledging and rewarding employees for their contributions. 

Parental leave

This benefit provides paid or unpaid time off for employees to care for a newborn, adopted child, or sick family member.

In most countries, maternity leave is mandatory for a pre-defined period of time. Paternity leave has also become increasingly more common, as it contributes to easing the wage gap between men and women. 

Flexible work arrangements

With the COVID-19 pandemic, more flexible work arrangements have become more common as a benefit. It can include telecommuting, flexible work hours, or compressed workweeks, allowing employees to have greater flexibility in work hours, location or other arrangements. 

Employee stock options or equity

Employees can own a stake in the business with publicly traded companies through stock options, restricted stock units, or other equity-based programs.

This benefit encourages performance and fosters employee engagement with company results. 

Why Do Employee Benefits Differ Depending on the Country?

Employee benefits can vary significantly from one country to another. This is due to several reasons, including legal and regulatory requirements.

When operating in international markets or working with expatriate employees, it is important to be aware of workers’ expectations, local laws and culture, which will all influence labour agreements. 

Here are some key factors that influence the differences in employee benefits across countries:

Legal and regulatory requirements

Each country has its own laws and regulations governing employment and labour practices, including employee benefits.

These laws can dictate the minimum requirements for certain benefits, such as paid leave, health insurance, and retirement plans.

For example, in some countries, employers are required to provide a minimum of 20 days of paid vacation or offer mandatory pension plans. In other countries, these benefits may not be mandated but are culturally expected. 

Cultural norms

Cultural norms and expectations around work and compensation can also impact the benefits that are offered and valued by employees.

For instance, some countries may emphasise work-life balance more and prioritise benefits such as generous parental leave or flexible work arrangements. Others may prioritise financial incentives such as bonuses or profit-sharing plans. 

Companies need to understand the cultural nuances of each country to ensure that their employee benefits are aligned with employees’ needs and preferences. 

It is important to note that employee benefits are incentives to attract and retain talent. Therefore, it is essential that they respect cultural differences and follow expectations. 

Economic factors

Economic factors, such as the cost of living, inflation rates, and the availability of social welfare programs, can also influence the types of benefits employers provide.

For example, in countries with high healthcare costs, employers may need to offer comprehensive health insurance coverage as part of their benefits package. Similarly, in countries with higher retirement ages, employers may need to provide robust retirement plans to support employees’ retirement savings.

Economic factors might influence laws and regulations related to labour as well as cultural expectations. When developing a benefits package abroad, it is important to be aware of economic issues that might impact labour relations. 

Best Practices for Managing Employee Benefits Abroad

As discussed in this article, employee benefits can differ significantly depending on the country in which your company operates. Managing these benefits requires careful planning, compliance with local laws, and effective communication with employees.

Here’s what you should keep in mind:

Conduct thorough research

Before expanding operations in a new country, companies should thoroughly research the local laws and regulations governing employee benefits. You can also work with a company specialising in global expansion, like Briars Group.

Experts will help you understand the minimum requirements for benefits, tax implications, and any mandatory social security or pension program. 

As discussed, cultural differences also play a part in employee benefits and work relationships, so it is essential to research preferences to ensure that the offerings are aligned with local expectations. 

Seek local expertise

Often, research doesn’t cover everything, and it is important to seek local expertise to navigate the complexities of managing employee benefits abroad.

At Briars Group, we work with local legal and HR consultants who have knowledge of local regulations. Local experts can help ensure compliance with local laws, design attractive benefits programs for local employees, and effectively communicate benefits offerings to employees. 

Customise benefit offerings

With enough research and the help of local experts, ensure you customise your benefits according to the local market. 

What Makes a Good Benefits Package?

A good employee benefits package is aligned with the needs and expectations of workers, complying with local laws and regulations and enhancing the overall well-being and job satisfaction of employees. 

Comprehensive coverage

A good benefits package should provide comprehensive coverage for employees’ needs. This might come as health insurance that covers medical and dental expenses, for example, or retirement plans that offer investment options and matching contributions. 

Flexibility and customisation

Employees have diverse needs, so a good benefits package should offer flexibility and customisation options to accommodate different preferences. This flexibilisation can allow employees to choose from a few options of coverage or benefits based on their lifestyles. 

Competitive offerings

A good benefits package should be competitive in the market to attract and retain top talent. Employers should conduct benchmarking research to ensure that their benefits offerings are competitive compared to industry or market standards and adjust as needed to remain competitive. 

Support for work-life balance

Benefits that support work-life balance, such as paid time off, parental leave, and flexible work arrangements, are highly valued by employees. These benefits help workers manage their personal and professional responsibilities, leading to increased job satisfaction and loyalty. 

Employee wellness programs

Wellness programs that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being can improve employees’ health, productivity, and job satisfaction. Examples of wellness programs include gym memberships, mental health services, wellness challenges, and employee assistance programs. 

Clear communication

Effective communication is crucial in helping employees understand and appreciate their benefits package. Employers should provide clear and concise information about benefit offerings, including coverage details, eligibility criteria, enrollment procedures, and any changes or updates.

Communication should be provided through multiple channels to ensure that employees are well-informed. 

Compliance with local laws

Every business operation needs to follow local laws and regulations, including the benefits package. 

Employee education and support

Workers should fully understand how to utilise their benefits. Therefore, companies must offer support and resources to ensure they have access to their rights. This can include offering workshops, seminars, or online resources to educate employees about their benefits, how to enrol, and how to access information or services. 


While offering competitive benefits is important, managing costs is also crucial. A good package should be designed with cost-effectiveness in mind, considering factors such as budget constraints, cost-sharing arrangements, and long-term sustainability. 

Regular review and improvement

You should review your benefits package periodically, assessing if it is still effective and relevant to employees and making improvements as needed.

Employers should analyse data related to benefits utilisation, employee feedback, and market trends to identify areas for improvement. 

How to Manage Benefits for Expatriated Employees?

We have covered what to consider when employing people in different countries and expanding operations abroad. However, managing employee benefits for expatriated – or expat – employees can be equally complex. It requires the same consideration of local laws but also keeping in mind these workers might return to their home countries. 

What are expats?

Expats are individuals who temporarily or permanently reside in a country other than their home country. 

Companies that employ expats may need to provide additional support and benefits to help them settle into the new country, comply with local regulations, and maintain their physical and mental well-being. 

What to consider about expats benefits

It’s important for employers to understand the unique needs and challenges faced by expats and tailor their employee benefits offerings accordingly to attract and retain top talent, promote employee satisfaction and engagement, and demonstrate a commitment to supporting the well-being of their expatriate workforce.

Localise benefits

One approach is to provide benefits that are aligned with local practices and regulations. This may involve partnering with local benefit providers, such as insurance companies or retirement plan administrators, to offer benefits that comply with local laws and customs. 

International benefit plans

Another approach is offering international benefit plans specifically designed for expats or staff in foreign countries. These plans are typically administered by global benefits providers and offer standardised coverage across multiple countries, allowing for consistency and ease of administration. International benefits plans may include options such as international health insurance, global retirement plans, or expat assistance programs.

Allowances and reimbursements

Employers can also provide allowances or reimbursements to cover certain benefit expenses incurred by employees in foreign countries. For example, providing a housing allowance, cost of living allowance, or education allowance to help employees with housing, transportation, or education expenses in their host country.

Cross-border pooling

Cross-border pooling is a strategy where companies consolidate employee benefits management across multiple countries, allowing for cost savings and consistency in benefit offerings. This approach involves pooling benefits across different locations and centralising administration and management, which can be more efficient and cost-effective.

Compliance with home country requirements

In addition to complying with local laws in the host country, employers should also ensure that employee benefits comply with home country requirements. This may include addressing issues such as tax implications, currency exchange, and reporting obligations in the home country of the company and the employees.

How to Measure the Effectiveness of Benefits Programs?

Measuring the effectiveness of employee benefits programs is essential to ensure that the investment made by the company is delivering the desired outcomes and meeting the needs of employees. 

Here are some ways to measure the effectiveness of benefits programs:

Employee feedback and surveys

Regularly collect feedback from employees through surveys, focus groups, or individual interviews to gauge their satisfaction and perceptions of the benefits programs. Ask employees about how they use the benefits available, their understanding of the offerings, and their overall satisfaction with the benefits provided. 

This feedback can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the benefits programs and areas that may need improvement.

Utilisation rates

Monitor the utilisation rates of different benefits offered by tracking data on employees’ enrollment, participation, and utilisation of various benefits programs. This can help identify the most popular and widely used benefits and which may require further promotion or adjustments.

Cost-benefit analysis

Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the benefits programs to assess their financial impact on the company. Calculate the costs associated with offering the benefits, including premiums, administrative fees, and other expenses, and compare them to the benefits gained regarding employee attraction, retention, engagement, and productivity. This analysis can help determine the return on investment (ROI) of the benefits programs and their overall effectiveness.

Employee retention and turnover rates

Track employee retention and turnover rates to assess the impact of benefits programs on employee retention. If employees stay with the company for longer periods, it can indicate that the benefits offered are meeting their needs and helping to retain top talent. On the other hand, high turnover rates may indicate that the benefits programs are ineffective in retaining employees.

Health and wellness outcomes

Monitor health and wellness outcomes, such as changes in employee health metrics (e.g., reduced absenteeism, lower healthcare costs, improved health indicators), participation in wellness programs, and employee feedback on the impact of health-related benefits, such as health insurance and wellness programs. These outcomes can provide insights into the effectiveness of benefits programs in promoting the well-being of employees.


Compare the company’s benefits programs with industry or regional benchmarks to assess their competitiveness and effectiveness. This can help identify areas where the company’s benefits offerings may lag or exceed industry standards.

Employee morale and engagement

Assess employee morale and engagement through employee engagement surveys, performance reviews, and other feedback mechanisms. Benefits programs that contribute to higher employee satisfaction, engagement, and morale may indicate their effectiveness in meeting employee needs and expectations.

Employee feedback on work-life balance

Employee benefits programs can impact employees’ work-life balance. Collect employee feedback on their work-life balance and how the benefits programs are helping them achieve it. This feedback can provide insights into the effectiveness of the benefits programs in supporting employees’ work-life integration.

Employee benefits can change over time

As long as benefits comply with local laws and are properly communicated to employees, packages can change over time. Companies can offer new partnerships and possibilities or even cut what does not work. 

It is important to remember that benefits are essential to the overall employee value proposition. Changes should be made strategically and consider workers’ needs and expectations. 

Final Thoughts

Managing employee benefits for expats and staff in foreign countries presents unique challenges and opportunities in today’s globalised world. From navigating local laws and regulations to understanding cultural differences, employers must carefully design and implement benefit plans that meet the needs of their employees while complying with local requirements.

Ultimately, a well-designed and carefully managed employee benefits package can be a valuable tool for companies operating internationally, fostering a positive and supportive work environment and contributing to the success of their global workforce. Employers must be proactive in understanding and addressing the unique challenges of managing employee benefits abroad to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of their employees while maintaining compliance with local regulations.

Partnering with specialised resourcing companies can make this process easier, guiding businesses through the local requirements and culture to provide the best possible benefits to employees worldwide. Interested in taking your business to the next level on the global stage? Then, get in touch with us today.

Amanda Simon

Amanda is our Chief People Officer and joined in 2022 with over 30 years HR experience focused on International Consultancy services. As a member of the Executive Leadership Team she is responsible for HR and Payroll services and internal HR strategy. Amanda has CIPD, FedEE and SHRM certifications to support her technical knowledge and has a passion for improving employee engagement. Amanda spends much of her spare time with her family, including 5 grandchildren, her role it seems is to provide snacks, food and the odd taxi service! When she is able, she prefers winter sun breaks to get away from the harsh UK weather!