10 Ways to Create a Great Company Culture

June 12th, 2023

It takes time, patience, and effort to create a great company culture, but it's worth it. Read our complete guide on how to build a healthy and long-lasting company culture.

Success is not only measured by financial metrics. Employee engagement, satisfaction, and overall well-being also play a huge part in productivity and innovation. When employees feel valued, respected, and motivated, results improve.

Building and nurturing a positive company culture is the answer to keeping people engaged. However, it might not be an easy task. It requires deliberate and strategic approaches involving various elements that contribute to a supportive and empowering work environment.

In this article, we will discuss what makes a positive company culture, the benefits it can bring to your business and how you can encourage a harmonising work environment. By understanding the importance of keeping employees motivated, organisations can lay a strong foundation for a culture that inspires and empowers people to thrive. 

What Is Company Culture?

Company culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, behaviours, and practices that exist within an organisation. Although this might seem too subjective, it is probably something you have witnessed in your workplace. Company culture is the personality of a business and influences how employees interact with one another. 

Company culture can be shaped by many different factors, including an organisation’s mission, vision, and values. It can be transformed by leaders, communication practices, and employee attitudes. 

When company culture is positive, it creates a sense of identity and belonging, which contributes to employee engagement. 

How Can Company Culture Affect Businesses?

As we mentioned, positive company culture can play an important role in productivity and employee engagement. On the other hand, a toxic work environment negatively impacts the success of a business.

Here are the biggest ways company culture can affect your bottom line:

1. Motivation and commitment

When employees’ values align with a company’s mission and overall purpose, they feel motivated to contribute their best efforts. As a result, companies register improved productivity. 

However, if a company’s culture is toxic, breeding behaviours such as bullying and harassment, it leads to low morale. Employees then feel less inclined to work hard for the company. 

2. Collaboration and teamwork

A strong and positive company culture promotes collaboration and teamwork. Employees feel comfortable working together, share ideas and can reach solutions more efficiently. 

If, on the other hand, a company is considered toxic, employees have a hard time collaborating and are more likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. Frequent employee turnover disrupts productivity, increases recruitment and training costs, and can damage the organisation’s reputation. 

3. Employee empowerment

When a company encourages their employees to make decisions and take control, they feel even more responsible for the success of their work, seeking innovative solutions and improving productivity. 

On the other hand, if employees are stressed, anxious or unhappy at work, feeling unsupported, their ability to focus and perform optimally is compromised. 

4. Creativity and innovation

A collaborative and encouraging work environment fosters creativity and innovation. Employees are more likely to contribute ideas and creative solutions if they feel listened to and respected. 

In a toxic work environment, fear of repercussions and lack of freedom to express ideas and take risks can hamper creativity. 

10 Ways to Create a Great Company Culture

As we’ve seen, company culture plays a significant part in the happiness of employees and the success of a company. Therefore, fostering a great work environment should be a priority for businesses of all sizes. 

Here are ten ways in which you can create a positive culture. 

Clearly define core values

Establish a set of core values that align with your organisation’s mission and vision.

Communicate these values consistently and integrate them into your everyday operations. They will act as guiding principles and set the tone for your company culture. They will have to shape the behaviours and decision-making processes of your employees, who will understand clearly what is expected of them.

Well-defined values also help attract people with similar mindsets. When employees share and embrace the same values as the company they work for, it creates a sense of unity and common purpose, contributing to a positive and cohesive culture.

As organisations grow, these core values also provide stability and continuity in the company culture. They serve as a foundation that withstands changes in leadership, market conditions, or industry trends. They will anchor the company’s identity and help guide employees even during times of uncertainty.

Lead by example

Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping company culture. C-level executives, directors and managers should embody the desired culture and model the behaviours they expect from employees. This behaviour sets the tone and influences the overall work environment.

Leaders who demonstrate integrity and ethical conduct earn the trust and respect of their employees, and people are more likely to emulate these qualities, fostering a culture of honesty and transparency.

Effective leaders prioritise open communication and collaboration, which encourage employees to share ideas and work together. If they take accountability for their actions and decisions, they inspire employees to do the same.

Managers also play an important role in empowering workers, promoting work-life balance, and recognising and rewarding people for their good work. All of this contributes to a positive company culture.

Therefore, companies should pay attention to their leaders and the impact they have on the organisation.

Foster effective communication

Encourage open and honest communication at all levels of the organisation. Implement channels for feedback and encourage employees to share their ideas, concerns, and suggestions.

When leaders and employees communicate openly, it creates a culture of trust and honesty. Employees will feel informed and included, which enhances their engagement.

Effective communication also involves active listening. It is important that employees feel their ideas and concerns are taken into account and applied if fitting. This behaviour also leads to better conflict resolution and teamwork.

Promote collaboration

Create opportunities for employees to collaborate and work together. Foster a sense of teamwork by establishing cross-functional teams, encouraging knowledge sharing, and recognising collaborative efforts.

When employees collaborate, they can tap into the strengths and expertise of others, leading to innovative solutions and improved outcomes. By working together, people also develop mutual respect and a stronger sense of shared responsibility and accountability. Collectively, employees will take ownership of the outcomes of their work.

Collaboration impacts employee engagement and satisfaction, leading to faster problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Encourage employee growth and development

Invest in the professional development of your employees. Offer training programs, mentorship opportunities, and educational resources. This attitude empowers people to take ownership of their careers and motivates them to improve continuously.

Encouraging employee growth enhances skill sets and adaptability. It also leads to higher levels of employee retention and loyalty.

With time, employees who were encouraged to grow within the company become leaders, contributing to setting an example for others. They will embrace the culture and values of the company and carry it on in the future.

Recognise and reward achievements

Regularly acknowledge and celebrate employee achievements and milestones. Implement a recognition program that highlights exceptional performance, teamwork, and contributions to the company’s success.

Rewarding achievements boost employee motivation and engagement. It is a positive reinforcement for them to continue to perform their best, improving productivity and creating a culture of optimism.

Recognition boosts morale, reduces stress and encourages collaboration. When employees see their colleagues being acknowledged and rewarded, it fosters a culture of appreciation and support among team members.

Support work-life balance

Create a supportive environment that values work-life balance. When feasible, offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible scheduling.

Encourage employees to take breaks and vacations to recharge. This will help prevent burnout and increase employee well-being.

Supporting work-life balance recognises the importance of employees’ personal lives, which leads to improved overall satisfaction and productivity. Less stressed and happier at work, employees become more creative and contribute innovative ideas.

Promote diversity and inclusion

Foster a culture of diversity and inclusion by embracing differences and creating an inclusive environment. Establish policies and practices that ensure equal opportunities for all employees. With more diversity, your company gains unique perspectives, experiences and backgrounds.

When employees feel that their identities are respected and valued, they also feel appreciated, trust the company and feel satisfied to take part. Diversity also drives creativity. Different perspectives offer a variety of ideas, insights, and approaches to problem-solving.

Inclusion policies help with employer branding and attracting top talent. A diverse culture can expand an organisation’s global reach, as companies will be better equipped to understand and navigate different cultural nuances. This positive culture enhances the organisation’s ability to connect with diverse markets and communities.

Promote fun and social interaction

Create opportunities for employees to engage in social activities and build relationships outside of work tasks. You can do that by organising team-building activities, social events, and community service initiatives.

Encouraging a positive social atmosphere can enhance employee connections and overall satisfaction, as it is a valuable way to create a positive company culture.

When employees have opportunities to connect with colleagues in a relaxed and enjoyable setting, it enhances their sense of belonging, cultivating a more engaged workforce.

Team-building activities also give employees a chance to develop stronger bonds and improve their problem-solving skills as a team. Fun activities are a much-needed break from work-related stress, leading to increased satisfaction.

Solicit employee feedback and act on it

Developing a positive company culture is an ongoing process. Mistakes will be made, and changes will be necessary. Therefore, it is important to seek feedback from employees and listen to their input regularly.

Involving employees in decision-making processes and addressing their concerns demonstrates that their opinions are valued. They are also the most impacted by company culture and should be able to provide ideas for improvement.

Soliciting feedback can be done through surveys or conversations, encouraging open communication between management and employees. It is important that people feel safe and empowered to make suggestions and voice concerns. With the information provided, you can identify where it is possible to improve and grow.


Creating a positive company culture is a continuous journey that requires ongoing effort and commitment. Employees must have a clear understanding of the company’s core values and expectations, be guided by these principles and feel empowered to grow, learn, and even make suggestions.

It might seem difficult to pinpoint what makes a great company culture, but the happiness of employees and management certainly is an indicator. Ensuring people are satisfied and engaged at work reaps benefits later on, with a more productive and successful workforce.

A positive company culture creates an atmosphere where creativity and innovation thrive; employees feel a sense of belonging and are motivated to contribute the best work. As a result, organisations attract top talent, build a strong reputation, and foster positive relationships with clients and partners.

There are many approaches to creating a positive company culture, but no matter how this process develops, results are always encouraging, driving growth and success.

Amanda Simon

Amanda is our Chief People Officer and joined in 2022 with over 30 years HR experience focused on International Consultancy services. As a member of the Executive Leadership Team she is responsible for HR and Payroll services and internal HR strategy. Amanda has CIPD, FedEE and SHRM certifications to support her technical knowledge and has a passion for improving employee engagement. Amanda spends much of her spare time with her family, including 5 grandchildren, her role it seems is to provide snacks, food and the odd taxi service! When she is able, she prefers winter sun breaks to get away from the harsh UK weather!